The dual-console release of Twilight Princess is something of a coincidence. However, this is done much differently in Twilight Princess in regards to function: the order of plot events is almost reversed from previous titles, and familiar items and locations show up in a much different context. Twilight Princess offers new variations on the Zelda story, but still sticks to the series formula of "gather first set of Plot Coupons, Master Sword, gather second set of plot coupons, final dungeon", trademarked by A Link to the Past. The game also features more complex character development than most other titles have had (Link, in particular, has an actual life before the whole story starts), attempted to include a bit of moral complexity (primarily Dark Is Not Evil) and is the first to feature a character whose lines are fully "voiced" (Midna, even though it's just a selection of gibberish syllables).

A main feature is that Link can (eventually) shapeshift at will between his Hylian and wolf forms in order to solve puzzles and pass obstacles. The game featured a realistic graphics style that had been eagerly anticipated by fans since Ocarina of Time. Together they must fight Zant, the King of the Twilight, who seeks to rule over both the realms of light and shadow. Fortunately, his lack of opposable thumbs is made up for by a sarcastic imp named Midna, a denizen of the Twilight who allies with Link for her own mysterious reasons. What's more, this Twilight curses him into the form of a wolf, which brings with it a whole new set of abilities (like a wolf's sense of smell). Pursuing them, Link discovers that most of Hyrule has become drowned in "Twilight": an oppressive darkness where monsters thrive and life is frozen.

This peace is shattered when strange shadow monsters invade and kidnap some of the children, including Link's best friend Ilia. In Twilight Princess, Link is a mere farmhand living a passive life in peaceful Ordon Village. Both a launch title for the Wii and the final first-party release for the Nintendo GameCube (on December 11, 2006), the game later received with a remastered version a decade later on the Wii U on March 4, 2016. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is the thirteenth game in The Legend of Zelda series, released on November 19, 2006.